
How Far Is It From Los Angeles To Honolulu

The flight time from Los Angeles, California to Honolulu, Hawaii is:

v hours, eighteen minutes

In-air flight time: 5 hours, eighteen minutes
From gate to gate: five hours, 42 minutes
Constant 500 mph: 5 hours, viii minutes

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Flying time from Los Angeles, CA to Honolulu, Hello

The total flight duration from Los Angeles, CA to Honolulu, How-do-you-do is 5 hours, 18 minutes .

This is the average in-air flying fourth dimension (wheels up to wheels down on the rail) based on actual flights taken over the past twelvemonth, including routes like LAX to HNL. Information technology covers the unabridged time on a typical commercial flying including take-off and landing.

If you're planning a trip, you should also factor in actress time for the plane to pull back from the gate and taxi to the runway, as well every bit reaching the destination gate afterwards landing. If you include this extra fourth dimension on the tarmac, the boilerplate total elapsed time from gate to gate flying from Los Angeles, CA to Honolulu, HI is 5 hours, 42 minutes .

Finally, pilots might want to judge the flight time using an boilerplate flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. If you don't add whatever extra fourth dimension to increase or decrease speed for accept-off and landing, then at constant speed your flight time would be v hours, 8 minutes.

If you're booking a flying, make sure you check the scheduled departure and arrival times. You lot should too gene in airport expect times and possible equipment or weather delays. If you're trying to effigy out what fourth dimension you'll go far at the destination, yous may desire to see if there's a time difference betwixt Los Angeles, CA and Honolulu, HI.

The calculation of flight time is based on the direct line altitude from Los Angeles, CA to Honolulu, HI ("as the crow flies"), which is about two,563 miles or 4 125 kilometers.

Your trip begins in Los Angeles, California.
It ends in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Your flight management from Los Angeles, CA to Honolulu, How-do-you-do is West (-100 degrees from North).

The flying time reckoner measures the average flying elapsing between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.

Honolulu is the gateway to Hawaii. This biggest city and busiest commercial center of Hawaii, located in the island of Oahu, offers plenty of options for tourists looking for diversity in their holiday packet.

About visitors choose Hawaii for its beaches, water activities and surfs. Oahu has 112 miles of coastline. Which means y'all take enough of swimming, surfing, snorkeling, dusk-watching spots on the island.

Check out Kawela Bay/Turtle Bay in the due north shore for the best place to snorkel and probably a take chances to come across Hawaiian green bounding main turtle, the honu. Sunset Beach (from Ehukai Beach to Sunset Point) for surfing.

In winter, Waimea Bay has the monstrous winter waves and in summer Waimea Bay is suitable for swimming and snorkeling. Makapuu Beach is keen for body boarding. Waimanalo Beach is suitable for body boarding and trunk surfing. Go to Lanikai Embankment for its calm waters and white sandy beaches. And Kailua Beach for windsurfing, sailing, kayaking and canoeing.

Head to the south shore for Waikiki Embankment where the famous Duke Kahanamoku Statue is located. Ala Moana Beach Park is ideal for families with kids to swim and picnic. For more than info on beaches and other activities, visit

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Flight time calculator

Travelmath provides an online flight fourth dimension calculator for all types of travel routes. You lot can enter airports, cities, states, countries, or zip codes to find the flying time between any two points. The database uses the smashing circle distance and the average airspeed of a commercial airliner to effigy out how long a typical flying would take. Find your travel time to gauge the length of a flight between airports, or inquire how long it takes to fly from one city to another.


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